Category Archives: Plone

Plone install and customisation


Download last stable release from:

Read the INSTALL in the tar ball, Install it.


xxx/zinstance/bin/plonectl start/stop/restart

Open host:8080 in your browser, and create a new Plone instance, e.g: cms


Any customisation must be done when plone is not running, and after your change, run xxx/zinstance/bin/buildbot and start plone again.

Time Zone

Plone default runes in GTM+0 time zone, if you want Plone show time in you local time zone, such as in document by line, search result, you need tell Plone which time zone you’re:

Add a TZ environment vary in the zinstance/base.cfg

# You may also control the environment variables for the instance.
environment-vars =
        TZ Etc/GMT+8

Note: very vary must stands in a new line.

WebDAV support

If you want to access your contents in plone via the WebDAV protocol, add a new in the base.cfg

# webdav support
webdav-address = 1980


Plone only provides some basic content type, install add-on to add new type as you need

Add new Add-ons in the zinstance/buildout.cfg

# Eggs
# ----
# Add an indented line to the eggs section for any Python
# eggs or packages you wish to include.
eggs =

Products.PloneFormGen – Create form and collect data from it, useful if you want to some survey.

Products.Ploneboard – If you want create BBS, or a forum, it’s be test.

Products.OpenXml – Add support for index Excel files

Index for PDF/Doc/Docx/Excel

If you want to search key word from the content of PDF/Doc/Docx/Excel, You must install some packages into your operating system. So that Plone can use them to index these files.

sudo apt-get install wv poppler-utils

Reference to >>

For support index of Docx, install add-on Products.OpenXml is enough.

Increase login session time out period

If you don’t want to login every day when you access your CMS, You need to customise the session time.

Reference to:

Date time in the mail send out by plone 4

I’m suffering a date time issue in the Plone’s MailHost, which send out a mail in a 16 hours offset out while my time zone is set to Etc/GMT+8.

A mail send out at 2012/01/10 5:39 PM, will received as send out at 2012/01/10 1:39 AM, it’s wild for me and most others.

Now, I’m trying to finger out what was happen.

In the Plone 4.x, all product source is located in the ‘buildout-cache/eggs/’ of your zope instance root dir.

Plone use MailHost to send out mail, which is at:


396 def _mungeHeaders(messageText, mto=None, mfrom=None, subject=None,
397                   charset=None, msg_type=None):
398     “”"Sets missing message headers, and deletes Bcc.
399        returns fixed message, fixed mto and fixed mfrom”"”

The _mungeHeaders() will check your headers, if there is no “Date” field, it will add one for you:

465     if not mo.get(‘Date’):
466         mo['Date'] = DateTime().rfc822()

The DateTime() comes from:


and the rfc822() will format the date time as RFC822 required in the section ’5. DATE AND TIME SPECIFICATION’. more info.. in refs:

1506     def rfc822(self):
1507         “”"Return the date in RFC 822 format.”"”
1508         tzoffset = _tzoffset2rfc822zone(_tzoffset(self._tz, self._t))
1509         return ‘%s, %2.2d %s %d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %s’ % (
1510             self._aday,self._day,self._amon,self._year,
1511             self._hour,self._minute,self._nearsec,tzoffset)

While the time stamp of the standard content in the plone 4 is right after I set the TZ toEtc/GMT+8 in the base.cfg , I’ll investigate how the document by line use the DateTime to get right result.

The document by line is from:

 30   <span class=”documentModified”>
 31     <span i18n:translate=”box_last_modified”>
 32       last modified
 33     </span>
 34     <span tal:replace=”python:view.toLocalizedTime(context.ModificationDate(),long_format=1)”>
 35       August 16, 2001 at 23:35:59
 36     </span>
 37   </span>

which from

 33 class DocumentBylineViewlet(ViewletBase):
 35     index = ViewPageTemplateFile(“”)

 95     def toLocalizedTime(self, time, long_format=None, time_only = None):
 96         “”"Convert time to localized time
 97         “”"
 98         util = getToolByName(self.context, ‘translation_service’)
 99         return util.ulocalized_time(time, long_format, time_only, self.context,
100                                     domain=’plonelocales’)

where is ModificationDate is set:


108     security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent, ‘setModificationDate’)
109     def setModificationDate(self, modification_date=None):
110         “”" Set the date when the resource was last modified.
112         When called without an argument, sets the date to now.
113         “”"
114         if modification_date is None:
115             self.modification_date = DateTime()
116         else:
117             self.modification_date = self._datify(modification_date)


19 from i18nl10n import ulocalized_time

 26 class TranslationServiceTool(PloneBaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem):
 27     “”" Utility methods to access the translation machinery “”"

 84     security.declarePublic(‘ulocalized_time’)
 85     def ulocalized_time(self, time, long_format=None, time_only = None, context=None,
 86                         domain=’plonelocales’, request=None):
 87         # get some context if none is passed
 88         if context is None:
 89             context = self
 90         return ulocalized_time(time, long_format, time_only, context, domain, request)


 96 # unicode aware localized time method (l10n)
 97 def ulocalized_time(time, long_format=None, time_only=None, context=None,
 98                     domain=’plonelocales’, request=None):

which is very complicate…


 17 #. The variables used here are the same as used in the strftime formating.
 18 #. Supported are ${A}, ${a}, ${B}, ${b}, ${H}, ${I}, ${m}, ${d}, ${M}, ${p},
 19 #. ${S}, ${Y}, ${y}, ${Z}, each used as variable in the msgstr.
 20 #. For example: “${A} ${d}. ${B} ${Y}, ${H}:${M} ${Z}”
 21 #. In english speaking countries default is:
 22 #. ${b} ${d}, ${Y} ${I}:${M} ${p}
 23 #: ./
 24 msgid “date_format_long”
 25 msgstr “${b} ${d}, ${Y} ${I}:${M} ${p}”

We can use ‘long_format’ parameter to pass format what we want.


Time in Python:
RFC2822: Date and Time spec
Mail date Issue 12458: